We have a meeting tomorrow! O’Malley! 7 o’clock! Just another reminder! Get Psyched! Reposted photo from @haveboard
Don’t worry about Sips! We’re meeting this Wednesday at O’Malley. 7pm. We’ll be deciding on a theme, so there’s that.
Our good friend @okayjeffrey has started editing photos from January 1st and there’s a sweet animated gif over at http://crucial brutal.com (typically NSFW). On that note, we’re planning to have a meeting next week Wednesday, June 10th, potentially at Drinkers Rittenhouse since O’Malley’s isn’t ready yet. Come prepared with Theme Ideas, Group Outing Ideas, & Fundraising Ideas/Events to the meeting. (Don’t post any theme ideas here, come to the meeting or send it over privately if you can’t make the meeting.)