This photo is amazing. So are we. Come hang out with us and let’s get awesome from 3 to 6 at @garagephilly where you will have a chance to win this print or any one of our other amazing prizes! #repost @ri_t_chie I consider this the best photo I’ve taken. It’s taken with a 6 stop ND filter and a 2 stop gradient filter right after a storm just passed.I made 2 copies of this. One is for me and the other will be available for auction @mollywoppersnyb Benefit this Sunday 11/11 3pm – 6 pm. It’s the first photo I’ve ever put out to the public. Come out and put some tickets to win this bad boy @garagephilly. #mollywoppersNYB @btr_photo215

To all: Fundraiser this Sunday @garagephilly! To all @mollywoppers: meeting this Wednesday! #Repost @spaghetti_breath ・・・ #mollywoppersnyb meeting this Wednesday at O’Malley, doors at 730 meeting at 830. Also this Sunday November 11, we’ll be doing our annual fall fundraiser for the club @garagephilly 3-6pm. If you would like to donate something for the raffle let us know it’ll be more than appreciated. #mummers #philadelphia #kodb ? @chriscamp215